Novelist Jackie Collins claims Matt Bomer lost out on the opportunity to play Superman because he's gay.

The 75-year-old Collins made the claim during an interview with UK's Gaydar Radio.

Bomer, who earlier this year quietly came out gay, is raising 3 children with his partner Simon Halls.

The star of White Collar was being considered for the lead in Superman: Flyby. Warner Brothers eventually scrapped the film written by J.J. Abrams (Alias, Star Trek) in favor of Superman Returns in 2006.

Bomer “had not come out of the closet, but people in the know knew he was gay,” said Collins. “His audition tape went in and he called up the agent. Someone didn't like him and told [the production] he was gay. They said, 'No, no, we can't cast you.' The reason he didn't get cast was because he was gay.”

Collins added that she would be okay if one of her children came out gay.

Collins' 29th book, The Power Trip, arrives in the United States on February 5, 2013. A prequel to the book comes out next Tuesday.