A plurality of voters in New Mexico say gay marriage should be legal, a new poll found.

According to a Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday, 67 percent of New Mexico voters support marriage or civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, and more respondents support marriage equality than do not.

Forty-five percent of those contacted said they believe gay marriage should be legal, while forty-three percent disagreed. Twelve percent said they did not know.

“When PPP last polled the state in June, voters were against legalizing it by a 42-28 margin,” the polling firm wrote in releasing its findings. “In the intervening half-year, opinion has moved eight points … The reason for the shift is that Democrats (from 34% to 28%) and independents (44% to 37%) have lowered their opposition by six or seven points.”

Five-hundred voters were surveyed, and the poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

Similar sentiments are found in nearby states Nevada, where gay couples are recognized with domestic partnerships, and Colorado, where lawmakers are expected to make a second push for civil unions during the upcoming legislative session.