Vice President Joe Biden has called the booing of a gay service member during Thursday night's GOP presidential debate “reprehensible.”

During the televised Fox News/Google debate, presidential candidate Rick Santorum answered a question submitted by Stephen Hill, a gay soldier serving in Iraq.

Referring to the recent repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell,” Hill, dressed in an Army t-shirt, asked via a YouTube clip: “Do you intend to circumvent the progress that has been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military?”

The audience booed Hill's question, but cheered Santorum when he called DADT repeal a “tragic social experiment” and vowed he would reinstate the policy, if elected president.

Appearing Tuesday on ABC's The View, Biden said the booing produced a “visceral response.”

“I know my son and all the kids with him,” Biden said, referring to his son Beau Biden, who served in Iraq. “I don't think they give a damn whether the guy firing the rifle to protect them is gay or straight.”

President Barack Obama reacted to the booing during a Sunday fundraiser, saying, “That's not reflective of who we are.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page.)

Santorum, Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson have also condemned the booing.