The editors of the HIV/AIDS glossy Positively Aware are turning to their readers to produce a snapshot of what it's like be HIV-positive in America.

The magazine is asking readers to take a photograph on Wednesday, September 21 for consideration in its second annual A Day With HIV In America photo layout to appear online, in its November/December issue and at the U.S. Conference on AIDS, which takes place November 10-13 in Chicago. (A promotional video for the photo contest is embedded in the right panel of this page.)

“We're asking all Americans affected by HIV to share with all of us an image of their life with HIV,” Positively Aware Editor Jeff Berry said. “Their vantage points captured over a single day will create a rich photographic tapestry of hope, strength and support that will help tear away the stigma of living with HIV in America today.”

Photos must be submitted at no later than Monday, September 26 for consideration.

Positively Aware is published bi-monthly by the Chicago-based non-profit group Test Positive Aware Network.