An objective of the gay rights movement
is to advance the rights of pedophiles, two social conservatives
argue, media watchdog
Linking gay marriage to pedophilia has
long been a scare tactic of opponents, but generally the argument is
made that allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry would invariably
open the institution to other unions.
During Friday's Faith & Freedom
radio broadcast, host Matt Barber, associate dean of Liberty
University School of Law, and Judith Reisman, a visiting professor at
the school, suggested gay rights advocates promote pedophilia.
The show singled out the Gay, Lesbian
and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a suicide prevention
non-profit that focuses on LGBT youth. Earlier this week, the
Obama administration honored the group for its work.
“Part of the homosexual activist
movement is GLSEN … they partner with the National Education
Association and create a curriculum that seeks to indoctrinate
children into the idea that homosexuality is normal, natural and
good,” said Barber. “This sexualizes children and aren't they
really running interference for the pedophile movement here? By
sexualizing these children, making them receptive to potential
advances from adults?”
Reisman agreed, saying that was the
objective of the group: “And I don't distinguish them, this is all
part of the pedophile movement.”
“[T]he aim of homosexual males, and
now increasingly females, is not to have sex with other old guys and
get married but to obtain sex with as many boys as possible,”
Reisman added. “That's the reality. I wish it weren't, but it
is.” (The audio is embedded in the right panel of this page.)