The right-leaning media watchdog group PolitiFact says it's mostly true that a majority of Catholics support gay marriage.

Garden State Equality Chairman Steve Goldstein recently responded to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's claim that his Catholic faith was behind his opposition to gay marriage by saying a majority of Catholics support the institution.

PolitiFact investigated, and after analyzing the results of three nationwide surveys, concluded Goldstein's assertion to be “mostly true.”

A March ABC News/Washington Post poll with a 7.5 percent margin of error found 60% of Catholics support marriage equality, while 38 percent oppose it.

A Public Religion Research Institute poll released in May found 56 percent of respondents either strongly favored or favored allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, and 36 percent said they either strongly opposed or opposed such marriages. But the poll's 7 percent margin of error could drop support below 50 percent.

And a Quinnipiac University poll released this month also found a majority (53%) of Catholics in support of marriage equality, and 41 percent opposed. But again the survey's 4.9 percent margin is too high to definitely conclude a majority of Catholics support the institution.

All three polls, however, show that more Catholics support rather than oppose gay marriage.

“Right now at this point you can't really say it's a majority, you can't really say it's not a majority, given the margin of error,” Mark Gray, a research associate with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, told PolitiFact New Jersey.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, conceded that “there's no question there's been a movement” in favor of gay marriage, but warned that people tend to vote more conservatively than they answer surveys.