Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has once again declined to discuss claims her husband, Marcus Bachmann, seeks to “cure” gay people.

The controversy returned to the back burner after Mr. Bachmann denied allegations that the Christian counseling centers he co-owns with his wife practices “reparative” therapy, a discredited pseudo-science that supporters say offers hope for people with unwanted same-sex attractions.

Michele Bachmann has previously dodged the questions of several media outlets, including Mother Jones and ABC News.

During a Thursday appearance at the National Press Club, Bachmann refused to answer a question on the topic from Chris Johnson, a reporter with gay weekly the Washington Blade.

“I am running for the presidency of the United States. My husband is not running for the presidency, neither are my children, neither is our business, neither [are] our foster children and I'm more than happy to stand for questions on running for the presidency of the United States,” Michele Bachmann said as her husband nodded his head. (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page.)

In reporting the story, Talking Points Memo noted that Bachmann has repeatedly attacked First Lady Michelle Obama, including in 2008 when she suggested that Mrs. Obama was “anti-American.”