Hung star Thomas Jane will take on a transgender client on the show's third season.

In the HBO series, Jane plays high school teacher Ray Drecker, a struggling divorcee and father of two teenagers living in suburban Detroit. With the help of former girlfriend Tanya Skagle (played by Jane Adams), Ray begins moonlighting as a male prostitute after a house fire leaves him with few options. The pair call their business Happiness Consultants.

So far, Ray hasn't been willing to go down the gay for pay route, but according to TV Guide's William Keck that's about to change during the show's third season, which premieres in October.

“[W]hen a rival anything-goes gigolo hones in on Ray's territory in Hung's third season, Ray inches closer to that forbidden LGBT zone,” writes Keck. “Mid-season, he'll bed down with a pre-op transgender receptionist named Kyla before contemplating a full same-sex encounter.”

San Diego native Jamie Clayton, the co-host of VH1's TRANSform Me, will play Kyla.

Creator Colette Burson added that she is exploring the possibility of making Kyla Ray's full-time girlfriend in season 4.