Focus on the Family CEO and President Jim Daly has denied conceding that gay marriage is inevitable.

Daly, who took over leadership of the group after founder James Dobson stepped aside, told World Magazine this week that opponents of gay marriage have “probably lost.”

When asked how things stand on the issue, Daly replied: “We're losing on that one, especially among the 20- and 30-somethings: 65 to 70 percent of them favor same-sex marriage. I don't know if that's going to change with a little more age – demographers would say probably not. We've probably lost on that one.”

But in an op-ed titled What's the focus of Focus on the Family published by The Washington Post on Wednesday, Daly accused supporters of “engaging in a little wishful thinking.”

“Although [World Magazine's] story touches on an array of subjects – Focus on the Family’s nationwide orphan-care effort, how intact families help women and children stay out of poverty, even the positive example President Obama sets for the country as a committed family man – the left-leaning blogosphere has zeroed in on one slice of one answer to one question about same-sex marriage. When asked about cultural trends on the subject, particularly polling among the millennial generation, I acknowledged that recent data suggests this very important and key group is polling behind the rest of the country on marriage. To me, it was a simple statement of demographic and statistical fact, but to those who advocate for same-sex marriage, it is being presented as a concession speech regarding our efforts to protect one-man, one-woman marriage.”

“So, let me be clear: I am not waving a white flag. I’m not even contemplating picking one up,” he added.

The column follows a Tuesday op-ed published at Fox News in which Daly warned that gay marriage would destroy religious liberty.