Maggie Gallagher, the chair of the anti-gay marriage group National Organization for Marriage (NOM), is among those who'll provide testimony Friday before a Republican-led subcommittee on President Barack Obama's decision to no longer defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the Clinton-era law that bans federal recognition of the marriages of gay and lesbian couples.

The House Judiciary subcommittee on the Constitution is chaired by Representative Trent Franks of Arizona, who earlier this year said the president's gay marriage decision could be an impeachable offense.

While the hearing's title, Defending Marriage, doesn't mention DOMA, New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, the ranking Democrat on the panel and lead sponsor of a bill that would repeal DOMA, told gay weekly the Washington Blade that the hearing will focus on Obama's decision.

“This is a hearing really on the administration's decision not to defend DOMA in court,” Nadler said. “I think [Franks is] trying to dramatize his position – that the administration is doing a terrible thing by not defend the law.”

Also invited to testify are Edward Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a critic of the administration’s defense of DOMA in court, and Carlos Ball, an openly gay law professor at Rutgers Law School.

Ball told the paper that he plans to testify against the law.

“What the plaintiffs in these DOMA lawsuits are saying is not that they have a federal constitutional right to marry – that's not the issue,” Ball said. “These couples are already married under the laws of their states. What they're arguing is that the federal government should not discriminate against their marriages. The administration has concluded that it's unconstitutional to treat [them] differently, and I think they're absolutely correct.”