The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has given credit to Maryland's churches for killing a gay marriage bill.

In a blog post titled What Happened in Maryland? The Churches Spoke Up!, the nation's most vociferous opponent of gay marriage praised the church for blocking the state from becoming the sixth to legalize the institution. The Maryland House decided to shelve the bill on Friday after supporters conceded it would fail.

“So what changed?”

“Religious faithful in the state spoke up. Clergy and lay people. Blacks, Hispanics and Whites. Catholics, Baptists and Pentecostals. All came together in a big way over the past two weeks. Pastors meeting with delegates. Bishops rallying the faithful. Everyone coming together in Annapolis to stand for marriage. And it made the difference.”

In a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) segment, Bishop Harry Jackson, an ardent opponent of gay marriage in the District of Columbia, made a similar pronouncement and declared he and his supporters would “stop gay marriage in its tracks.”

Neither noted that supporters from the start worried that the bill would face a steep incline in the House or that NOM had threatened to oppose Maryland GOP lawmakers who supported the bill.

NOM is also fighting against a proposed gay marriage bill in Rhode Island.