Donald Trump is opposed to gay marriage.

In a Monday appearance on Fox News, the real estate mogul said he was considering a run for president as a Republican.

When asked about social issues, Trump told Greta Van Susteren that he's opposed to abortion rights and gay marriage.

“New York is a place with lots of gays, and I think it's great,” Trump said. “But I'm not in favor of gay marriage.”

Trump's comments come after his Thursday appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the request of gay GOP group GOProud, whose co-sponsorship of the event sparked a boycott by social conservatives.

GOProud asked Trump to address the crowd and organized a failed write-in campaign for the billionaire celebrity.

At CPAC, Trump was booed by the crowd when he said Texas Congressman and CPAC favorite Ron Paul wasn't a serious presidential contender. For a second consecutive year, Paul won the CPAC straw poll with 30 percent of the vote.

On Monday, he sized up the field of potential GOP presidential hopefuls: “I know many of them and they're nice people. But, can they do the job? Perhaps not.”