Fans of Queer Eye have raised over $100,000 through GoFundMe to send Jessica Guilbeaux back to school.

Guilbeaux is featured on the third season of the Emmy-winning Queer Eye. In “Black Girl Magic,” the 23-year-old waitress revealed that she was rejected by her adoptive family at 16 because she's gay and has been on her own since.

Lack of money forced Guilbeaux to drop out of the University of Kansas.

“I was just super grateful for people wanting to help me with a dream that I had basically buried,” she told NBC News. “It's such a kind gesture, and it was totally unexpected.”

“I'm going back to school to study computer science,” she added. “Tech has always been something I've been interested in, so I am definitely going back for that. I'm a huge nerd, so that's always going to be a part of me.”

Guilbeaux said that she plans to give a portion of the money to GLAAD.