Gay groups across the nation are preparing for Tuesday's ruling by the California Supreme Court on the state's controversial gay marriage ban, Proposition 8.

The court announced Friday it would hand down its decision Tuesday morning at 10AM.

Justices will rule on a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate the November results of a referendum that placed a gay marriage ban in the California Constitution.

Proposition 8 effectively overturned the high court's 4 to 3 decision that legalized gay marriage last May and put an end to the thousands of gay and lesbian marriages that took place during the June-to-November “summer of love” when gay marriage was legal. The court will also rule on the fate of 18,000 marriages.

Gay marriage proponents began preparing for the decision in March, shortly after the court heard oral arguments.

The largest event is being organized by veteran gay activists Robin Tyler and Andy Thayer. The Day of Decision is a large, multi-state demonstration scheduled to take place on Tuesday night, just hours after gay activists learn whether they will be celebrating or protesting the court's decision.

California activities connected to the event include: In San Francisco a prayer service at Grace Cathedral is scheduled for Monday at 7PM, while a blessing on Tuesday at St. Francis Lutheran Church begins at 8:30AM; On Tuesday in Los Angeles, a rally will take place outside the County Marriage License Office at 12AM and a rally and march begins at 7PM in the West Hollywood neighborhood; Activists will gather at 7PM Tuesday for a rally at the Palm Springs Courthouse; And San Diegans will rally Tuesday at 5PM at Balboa Park.

Over 20 states have planned Day of Decision activities on Tuesday in solidarity with California activists.

Another large demonstration is being organized in socially conservative Fresno, where activists will descend upon City Hall on Saturday during the Meet in the Middle for Equality rally and march.

Organizer Robin McGehee says Fresno's middle-town experience is more typical of California values and voters, adding that winning marriage equality in California means changing hearts and minds of voters in small towns like Fresno.

Activists like McGehee say losing the Proposition 8 battle has only served to energize an otherwise lethargic gay and lesbian community.

“Whenever you lose, although it's a bad thing, it's also a good thing, because what happens is there's this embolden activist network that has [emerged] in California that says 8 is no longer enough,” McGehee told OUTTAKEOnline CEO Charlotte Robinson in April. “Before we were just fighting for marriage equality, now we want federal equality. And we want it across the board, because we now know how vindictive this campaign can be.”

McGehee says her middle-America rally will be peaceful, but rhetoric from Day of Decision organizers suggests a more boisterous response.

“During the campaign, the Yes-on-8 people hit us with a sledgehammer and our side hit back with a slingshot,” Tyler told The Women on the Web in March. “The time for candlelight vigils is over.”

“Depending on what the court decides,” the Day of Decision website says, “we will either protest or celebrate.”

Reaction to Tuesday's ruling will not end with demonstrations, however. Activists in California are preparing to meet at the ballot box again as early as next year. The only question to be answered Tuesday is: Will voters be facing a pro- or anti-gay marriage referendum?