I Am The Ambassador, a documentary series that follows the life of out U.S. ambassador Rufus Gifford, landed last week on Netflix.

The 42-year-old Gifford was confirmed by the Senate as the U.S. ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark on August 15, 2013.

The series first aired on the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's DR3.

“He's become one of the darlings of our channel,” DR's Struve Hansen told Variety.

The series' second season ends with Gifford tying the knot with his longtime boyfriend Dr. Stephen DeVincent at Copenhagen's City Hall surrounded by a large crowd.

Gifford said in a statement that he was nervous about the show airing in the United States.

“While I am incredibly nervous about the show being aired all over the world – especially in my home country – I believe in it with all my heart,” he said.