James Dobson last week struggled to answer whether he believes the Bible calls for the stoning of gay people.

The Focus on the Family founder was asked the question during an appearance on televangelist Andrew Wommack's The Gospel Truth.

“Do you believe in stoning them to death? Do you want to kill all homosexuals?” Wommack asked.

“I don’t,” Dobson answered, “and that’s a tough question, because that comes out of the Mosaic law but I don’t believe... You have to take the entire Bible and as far as I know there’s no place else in the Bible that tells us to kill those who don’t believe what we believe.”

“You ask a tough question,” Dobson added.

Wommack gave his own reasons why Christians can condemn gay people without killing them: “You know the Old Testament did say to kill a homosexual. To kill an adulteress. To kill a witch. You had to kill them. And if your children were rebellious and didn’t respond the first time you corrected them, you had to bring them to the elders and let them kill them. And the way I respond to that is that in the Old Covenant people couldn’t be born again. They couldn’t have their nature changed the way that we can.”

“We don't now kill homosexuals but it hasn't changed the fact that those are still wrong. We just now have a cure for it through faith in Jesus,” he added.

“And the homosexual activists would accuse you of wanting to stone them and kill them. I can see how they use that,” Dobson said.