Gay glossy The Advocate has named the Supreme Court's nine justices its “People of the Year.”

“In handing down its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges – declaring marriage to be a constitutionally protected right for same-sex couples – the court immediately made the lives of millions better,” Mark Joseph Stern wrote in the magazine's cover story.

“[I]n an instant, gays ad lesbians made an enormous step toward becoming equal citizens under the law.”

“[W]ith Obergefell, the Supreme court wiped out dozens of discriminatory measures, scrubbing away decades of antigay prejudice,” he added.

The inclusion of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote a scathing dissent in the case, is certain to be controversial, but Stern argues that Scalia's writings make him an “unexpected MVP for marriage equality advocates.”

“In Romer, Scalia suggested the court may soon strike down sodomy bans. When the court proved him right seven years later, Scalia noted that its reasoning 'leaves on pretty shaky grounds state laws limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples.' Exactly 10 years later, the court invalidated the federal Defense of Marriage Act in United States v. Windsor – and Scalia threw a hissy fit, actually rewriting the opinion to demonstrate how it would soon be used to strike down state-level marriage bans. Two years later, in Obergefell, the court proved him right,” Stern wrote.

Advocate editors faced a barrage of criticism two years ago for naming Pope Francis their “Person Of The Year.”

(Related: Pope Francis poses for NOH8 Campaign in Advocate cover.)