Televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday reiterated his prediction that LGBT rights will provoke God to destroy America's financial markets.

In September, Robertson predicted that God would strike the United States with a massive financial crash for allowing gay couples to marry.

“God Almighty is looking down on this nation and, folks, I want to tell you that our finances right now are hanging by a thread,” Robertson told his The 700 Club viewers. “The rupture of the entire financial framework of our world is so tenuous right now and if there is was ever a time that we need the grace of God, it is now. And unless something is done to change the courts and to change the way this country is going, it is just a question of time before the fabric ruptures and we'll all suffer because of it.”

On Monday's program, Robertson claimed that since the Supreme court “enshrined sodomy into the United States Constitution,” the U.S. is turning into the Biblical city of Sodom.

“Now it's a constitutional right for sodomites to marry each other,” Robertson told viewers.

“I don't want the wrath of God to hit this country. It's a great country. I'd like to see America continue strong, but this is one way of weakening it. First of all, we're going to have this financial collapse. We're setting up for a massive financial collapse and I think if God is going to hurt this country, that's probably the way he'd do it,” he added.