Openly gay Democrat Mike Colona won the Missouri State Democratic primary for St. Louis Tuesday night. With no Republican opponent to face in the fall he will head straight to the state House. Early charges of ties with the adult industry marred his campaign.

Colona will join openly gay Rep. Jeanette Mott Oxford (D-59) and Sen. Jolie Justus (D-10) at the state capitol in growing the GLBT Caucus to three.

The Victory Fund-endorsed candidate spoke about his sexuality in a The Vital Voice interview, “I think it's our obligation as out individuals to approach people and break down stereotypes. And even though I'm running as a gay man, it's just a part of the campaign... I would like the opportunity to go down to Jeff City and show some of the conservative Democrats that being an out, open gay man is perhaps something different than what the stereotype is that they know,” said Mike Colona.

Colona's campaign emphasized his work as a lawyer in private practice, saying he would bring a unique perspective to the health care debate.

Ironically, it was his law practice that nearly pulled his campaign apart. When a porn producer contributed to his campaign, Colona admitted to advising him. His role, he said, was limited to ensuring no minors were used in any porn production.

Some voters felt Colona must have been hiding something when several adult websites removed his name as the holder of records. “Resource for parents, so that's the spin? He works with these companies as a social service? That is a pathetic justification for a whore for hire!!!” wrote an anonymous commenter who listed fifteen websites with Colona's name as evidence of his participation in the industry.

Colona, however, continued to win endorsements – including the State Police Association and St. Louis Police Officers Association – and ultimately the Democratic primary.

Mike Colona will begin his term in 2009.