Tennessee officials on Monday asked the Supreme Court to deny review of a case which upheld the state's ban on gay marriage.

Last month, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati created a split among federal appellate courts when it upheld bans in Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. Plaintiffs in each case have asked the Supreme Court to reverse the court's decision.

Plaintiffs in cases from Ohio and Tennessee are asking for their out-of-state marriages to be recognized on the state level, while plaintiff couples in cases from Michigan and Kentucky want to marry in their home state.

“Just as New York's (and California's) decision to expand its definition of marriage to include same-sex couples was 'without doubt a proper exercise of its sovereign authority within our federal system' … so too was Tennessee's decision to embrace and maintain the traditional definition of marriage a proper exercise of its own sovereign authority within our federal system,” Attorney General Herbert Slatery wrote.

Slatery added that the high court was not bound to accept the case even though a conflict exists between the Sixth Circuit and all other appellate courts, which struck down similar bans.

“Petitioners insist that the conflict engendered by the Sixth Circuit decision now calls for this Court's intervention,” he wrote. “The Court is not so compelled; certiorari is regularly denied in cases presenting a conflict of decision.”

(Document provided by Equality Case Files.)