Meghan McCain says she's insulted by actress Rose McGowan's claims of gay misogyny.

In criticizing gay men for failing to stand up for women's rights, McGowan accused gay men of being “more misogynistic than straight men” and declared the gay rights movement to be shallow.

“I see now people who have basically fought for the right to stand on top of a float wearing an orange Speedo and take molly [MDMA],” McGowan, 41, said during a conversation with out author Brett Easton Ellis.

In an op-ed published Wednesday in gay glossy The Advocate, McGowan apologized for making “a dumb generalization” but stood behind her sentiment.

McCain, the daughter of Arizona Senator John McCain, criticized McGowan's claims during Friday's episode of takepart live, which is seen on cable network pivot.

“My entire career has been nothing but supported by a lot of gay men and lesbians,” McCain said. “And I debatably wouldn't have a career without the gay community. And the idea that gay men don't support strong women is complete and utter bullshit on every level. And I'm insulted by that.”