The gay rights movement is out to create a “homosexual special race,” Rick Wiles of TruNews claims.

Wiles, the former marketing director for Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's Trinity Broadcasting Network, made his remarks in the course of interviewing Indiana pastor Jeff Allen.

“Hitler was trying to create a race of super gay male soldiers,” Wiles said. “Hitler was homosexual. Top Nazi leadership, all of them, were homosexuals. It was a radical homosexual movement that gained political power.”

Gay rights is the “new Nazism,” Wiles added, and gay people want to “hunt [Christians] down” and “put [their] heads on the wall.”

Wiles' rants, which completely ignores the fact that thousands of gays died in the Holocaust, borrows heavily from Scott Lively's 2008 book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party. Lively, an independent Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate, is best known for his part in advancing anti-gay legislation in Uganda.

(Related: Scott Lively tells Ugandans that “sociopathic” gays probably involved in genocide.)