Not Looking, a parody of Looking, HBO's gay drama set in San Francisco, has launched a crowd funding campaign to produce a second season.

Drew Droege (of the Chloe web series), Jason Looney, Jeremy Shane and Justin Martindale co-star in Not Looking, which evolved from a mock trailer to a 5-episode season after the quirky trailer went viral.

We're asking for $15,000 for season 2 and that's going to buy us 6 episodes,” Looney says in a 90-second video announcing the campaign. “Season 2 is going to pick up where season 1 left off.”

“Hopefully,” Shane says.

“No, it's going to pick up where season 1 left off,” Looney states.

Shane agrees: “You know, you're right.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

Contributor perks include a kiss blown by Shane and Not Looking boxer briefs and t-shirts.