A portion of proceeds from the sale of t-shirts proclaiming “Hummusexual” will go to support a lawsuit challenging Utah's ban on gay marriage.

The shirts, available for pre-order at SquareUp.com, are from Derek Kitchen and Moudi Sbeity, owners of Laziz Foods in Salt Lake City. The men are among the three plaintiff couples involved in the suit.

“We realize that, overall, it's not smart (or popular) for businesses to side with political issues,” Sbeity told The Salt Lake Tribune, “but our lives are on the line here, and we hope to turn that around to our advantage, and make sure that businesses take a firm stand for equality.”

Fifteen percent of the sales from the $20 shirts – available in maroon and brown – go to Restore Our Humanity, which is funding the case.

(Related: Limited edition beer supports gay marriage in Utah.)