United Way of the Bluegrass has withdrawn its annual donation to the Boy Scouts of America's Blue Grass Council over the Boy Scouts' ban on adult gay leaders.

A recently approved policy allowing gay youth to join the Boy Scouts takes effect on January 1, but gay adults remain banned from the program.

United Way of the Bluegrass was the local council's largest single donor, contributing $96,000 a year to the group, according to the Herald Leader.

Scout executive Chip Armishaw said that the loss amounted to 5 percent of the Kentucky group's annual $2 million budget.

“We're going to walk on faith that the scouting community will close ranks behind us and support us,” Armishaw said. “They always do and we know they will come to us in our time of need.”

United Way of the Bluegrass President Bill Farmer explained his decision in a blog post at the group's website: “Discrimination is harmful at all levels. Policies that create obstacles to success in the areas of education, financial stability, and health are not creating solutions that are in the best interest of the community.”

“We felt that it was important to continue to spread the message about the harmful effects discrimination has on our young children as well as adults,” he added.