With less than a week to go before the Illinois General Assembly convenes its fall session, an opponent of a proposed gay marriage bill has warned that if the measure is approved “America will collapse.”

The bill stalled in the House in May after passage in the Senate on Valentine's Day. Its champion in the House, Rep. Greg Harris, pledged a roll call during the upcoming session, which ends on November 7.

(Related: Will Illinois gay marriage bill stall as debate returns to Springfield?)

David E. Smith, executive director of the Illinois Family Institute, wrote in a fundraising appeal that Illinoisans should fight against the “evil agenda” of gay rights with the same “courage , conviction, tenacity and sacrifice” as American soldiers in World War II.

“As a father of six children, I often wonder what Illinois will be like in twenty years. What will it be like for your children and grandchildren?” Smith wrote.

“We cannot know for sure. We can't predict the future. Only God knows for certain.”

“I do know, however, that things are sure to be worse, much worse for our children, if we don't do something now to stop the moral collapse, which will be hastened if our lawmakers undermine marriage by legalizing same-sex 'marriage.'”

"A friend told me about a group of WWII veterans from Iowa that drove all the way to Washington D.C. this week. They risked arrest by passing through the barricades set up by the president to keep veterans from viewing their monuments. We should be inspired to defend marriage with the same courage, conviction, tenacity, and sacrifice that the greatest generation fought to defend American principles and to honor their fallen. If we don't stop the enemy from achieving his goal of destroying the family, there won't be any monuments to visit. America will collapse. It is only a matter of time. Read Genesis 19.”