Mike Rogers, who is best known for outing closeted politicians in the early 2000s, has said that he's gathering information on a closeted anti-gay congressman.

Rogers told U.S. News & World Report that he's aware of three anti-gay House members who are gay themselves.

“Oh, it's going to happen,” he said of one outing, “because it has been happening for a long time.”

In comments to Michelangelo Signorile at Netroots Nation, Rogers said an actual outing is far from reality.

“All I told the gentleman from U.S. News and World Report is that I have somebody who is planning on sleeping with a U.S. congressman and videotaping it secretly and giving the videotape to me because the congressman is anti-gay, and the next thing I know the media is all over it,” he said.

“Basically, there is a process in place that is moving forward … that will more likely than not provide us with information on a closeted congressman who has a zero percent voting record [on gay rights].”