A kiss between two male students upstaged an anti-gay preacher earlier this week at California Polytechnic State University in San Louis Obispo.

According to Mashable.com, the students are Kyle Murray and Anthony Lopez. The Huffington Post lists the preacher as Angela Cummings of Highways and Hedges Ministries.

A video of the incident, which occurred Tuesday, was first featured on Gawker.

In the video, Cummings is preaching in an outside space when Murray and Lopez approach and begin to make out. They receive a loud ovation from the crowd, which downs out Cummings' preaching. (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

Cummings “was just beginning a rant on traditional marriage and why gay people are evil when this happened. Highlight of my week,” wrote the YouTube user who posted the video.

Murray told Mashable that the preaching was really “aggravating” him.

“People were yelling back and trying to reason with her, which didn't work because there was no logic behind what she was saying,” Murray said.

“She was spreading so much hate. And we wanted to show her love. Show her that we disagree. Show her that we weren't going to argue with her. We wanted to say, 'There are gay people here and we are not okay with what you're saying.'”

In a Facebook update, Cummings acknowledged her role in the incident, then added: “Today is Israel gay pride. That saddens me. Sorry Jesus.”