Tina Fey recently revisited her Saturday Night Live character of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

During an appearance on cabler Bravo's Inside the Actor's Studio, host James Lipton asked Fey whether he could interview Palin, who Fey famously played on the NBC sketch comedy show.

“I know you're very fond of shooting wolves from a helicopter, which is understandable enough,” Lipton stated. “Have your views on gun laws or wolves changed at all?”

“You know, Jimmy, I believe that if everybody has guns, then there would be fewer guns in the stores,” she answered.

“What about, I know it's a touchy subject, same-sex marriage. What is your view on that?”

“Well, the Bible says it's gross,” she answered. “I don't judge it. A lot of the amazing, wonderful people I met at the audience at Dancing With The Stars seemed to go that way.”

When pressed on the subject, Fey's Palin added: “Marriage is meant for people who wear different kinds of swimsuits.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)