Kansas Rep. Tim Huelskamp has criticized President Barack Obama for supporting gay rights.

Speaking with Tony Perkins, president of the Christian conservative Family Research Council, before the president's Tuesday night State of the Union address, Huelskamp said Obama wants to “destroy the family and replace it with his view of a radical new social agenda” and criticized GOP leaders for trying to avoid discussion of social issues, claiming 70 percent of Americans oppose gay marriage.

“This president has a radical social agenda and the media will probably give him a pass when instead of talking about the fact that mom and dad don't have a job we're going to talk about how to destroy the family and replace it with his view of a radical new social agenda,” Huelskamp said.

“The response from the general leadership is: gosh, we can't talk about social issues. But the president can? Someone has to stand up and defend the seventy percent position that most Americans support traditional marriage, most Americans understand the value of family, they understand it's under attack and they understand that, they see it, they believe it. … But whether it's Obamacare, whether it's these radical DoD [Department of Defense] proposals coming out of the White House or changing all the employment rules to specifically and selectively reward homosexual behavior, those are really radical ideas and most Americans don't accept them.”