Former Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt has condemned President Barack Obama's inaugural speech for mentioning gay rights.

Obama cited Stonewall, the birthplace of the gay rights movement, and stated that “if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.”

In an email to members of his Pray in Jesus Name Project, Klingenschmitt, who has previously said Obama is ruled by approximately 50 demons, criticized the president.

“Every kid deserves a mom and dad. We must defend traditional marriage,” he wrote.

“Sadly, Obama equates sin with holiness, confusing lust with love, thereby confusing the demonic with the Holy Spirit, when Satan can never be equal with God. There is one reason homosexual sodomy will never be 'equal' to traditional marriage: Satan will never be equal to God.”

“To discern selfish lust from selfless love, and the evil spirit from the Holy Spirit is critical to discerning whether sin can ever 'equal' holiness, in human morality. Because every form of sin (including heterosexual sin) is a defiant human act of rebellion to God's commands, then sin is also an invitation to allow demonic rule, always without exception.”

“Thus 'equality' for Obama is the same as making Satan equal to God, because he declares the demonic to be godly, when in fact nobody can serve two masters. Allowing sin to rule our national policies is an open rejection of Almighty God, and an open invitation to the devil, to manifest in our hearts.”

Klingenschmitt made national headlines when he challenged the military's rule on inclusive prayers during events which include a multi-faith audience such as ship commissionings and change-of-command ceremonies. A born-again Christian, Klingenschmitt demanded the right to pray “in the name of Jesus” in public settings. He was honorably discharged for insubordination.