Bryan Fischer of the Christian conservative American Family Association (AFA) argues that gay rights and the Constitution cannot coexist.

Fischer made his remarks Thursday on his AFA-sponsored Focal Point radio show.

“We in America are gonna have to choose between the homosexual agenda and liberty, because we cannot have both,” Fischer told listeners. “We have to choose between the homosexual agenda and freedom. We have to choose between the homosexual agenda and the Constitution, because we cannot have both. We have to choose between the homosexual agenda and the First Amendment, because we cannot have both. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, we have got to understand we cannot give an inch, we cannot give one centimeter, we cannot give one millimeter to the forces of homosexual activism. We cannot accommodate, we can't compromise, we can't find middle ground, they cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be compromised with, they cannot be dialogued with, they can only be defeated.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

(Related: Bryan Fischer: The real haters are gay rights supporters.)