Jenye 'Viki' Knox, the New Jersey teacher accused of posting anti-gay comments on Facebook, has retired to avoid facing tenure charges.

According to the Star-Ledger, the 51-year-old Knox submitted her resignation letter over the summer.

Knox, a tenured special education teacher, last year created a firestorm of controversy when she posted on Facebook a photo of a school display recognizing October as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History month which included portraits of Virginia Wolf, Harvey Milk and Neil Patrick Harris, and wrote “homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation” and a “sin” that “breeds like cancer.”

She defended her position in subsequent messages to Facebook users, saying that she believed being gay was “against the nature and character of God” and that the high school was “not the setting to promote, encourage, support and foster homosexuality.”

The Union Township school board filed charges against Knox after conducting a three-month investigation. The charges, which are based on “unbecoming conduct,” have been postponed as Knox seeks a disability pension due to a back injury and “psychological grounds.”

“If I can retire then there is no need for me to go through this unpleasant experience,” Knox wrote in her filing.

She also maintained her innocence: “Although I continue to maintain that I have done nothing that warrants me being disciplined … the thought of going through a tenure trial causes a great deal of angst.”

William Quinn, a spokesman for the state Treasury Department, told the paper that a teacher can file a claim for disability pension even after he/she quits her job.