Several GOP delegates working on the 2012 Republican Platform backed adding support for civil unions.

Barbara Ann Fenton, a 31-year-old delegate from Rhode Island, formally made the suggestion last week as Republicans meeting in Tampa hammered out the document in committee.

“As a Roman Catholic, there's nobody in this room who believes [more than I do] that the definition of marriage is between one man and one woman, but those are my religious beliefs,” Fenton said in making the motion. “This country was founded on the separation of church and state.”

“For my own generation, a lot of times homosexuality is not the biggest deal in the world. And that's OK.”

Several people spoke up to “second” her motion.

“I'm from New England, where support for gay couples is really old news,” said Themis Klarides, a state representative from Connecticut who backed Fenton's motion.

“This speaks to the heart of what Republicans believe in – less government interference in our lives,” Klarides is quoted as saying in a CNN report.

The motion failed and the platform committee went on to include language knocking President Barack Obama for no longer defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court and implying that a Republican president would consider reinstating “Don't Ask, Don't Tell.”

But Fenton said reaction she received from delegates and staffers was mostly positive.

(Related: Jerry Sanders stars in ad calling on Republicans to support gay marriage.)