Openly gay actor-singer Cheyenne Jackson credits separate bathrooms among the secrets to his successful marriage to Monte Lapka.

Jackson, who is best known for his Broadway performances and guest appearances on NBC's 30 Rock and Fox's Glee, and Lapka married last September in New York.

Among the reasons for their lasting relationship, Jackson says, is that his husband is not star-struck.

He is more interested in what you have to say about life and the world we live in, than what movie you just did,” he told activist David Mixner.

The couple also accept each other's imperfections: “As soon as you come to the realization that you can't change someone, and truly accept each other for who you are, even if one of you isn't very tidy (me), or one of you nosily eats chips while the other is trying to get some work done (him) … then you are good to go.”

“[W]e speak at least 6-8 times a day.”

Jackson added that his husband's “wicked, dry sense of humor” gives him a “metaphysical boner.”

“Even after 12 years, I miss him when he's not around.”