Cabler OWN will broadcast an interview with “ex-gay” leader Alan Chambers.

In an upcoming episode of Our America, host Lisa Ling talks with Chambers, the president of Exodus International.

Chambers has been criticized by social conservatives for announcing that his group would no longer support therapies aimed at “curing” gay and lesbian people.

In June, Chambers said his group would shift from promoting “reparative” therapy to emphasizing how gay Christians can manage their same-sex attractions. For some gays that could mean celibacy, he said.

Only a few years ago, Exodus promoted the therapy in advertisements featuring Chambers and his wife, Leslie, along with the slogan, “Change is possible.”

Chambers now calls such claims “bizarre.”

The interview will be added to an Our America episode on the “ex-gay” movement broadcast earlier.

“This is one of the most controversial shows that we have ever done,” Ling told The Huffington Post. “The original episode aired two years ago. And it was during a time when the biggest 'ex-gay' organization, Exodus International, was teaching or administering a kind of therapy that they call 'reparative' therapy.”

“That same organization has made a drastic change. They're not using 'reparative' therapy anymore because they say it doesn't work.”

The updated episode will air Tuesday, August 21 on OWN.