Gay GOP groups on Saturday cheered Mitt Romney's selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

R. Clarke Cooper, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, said that “nobody is more qualified to articulate a conservative economic vision to restore the American economy and stimulate job creation.”

And while Ryan scored zero on the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) latest Congressional Scorecard, a measure of an elected official's support for gay rights, Cooper praised Ryan's “consistent willingness to engage with Log Cabin on a range of issues,” saying it “speaks to his record as a fair-minded policymaker.”

GOProud Executive Director Jimmy LaSalvia echoed a similar sentiment: “[T]here is no better pick for Vice President than Paul Ryan.”

Both groups noted Ryan's 2007 vote in favor of the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). But that version of the workplace discrimination bill only included protections based on sexual orientation. The current bill adds gender identity.

(Related: Paul Ryan boosts GOP ticket's opposition to gay rights.)