Stephen Colbert's conservative character on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report on Monday declared Jesus the winner of Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

Fox News' Mike Huckabee called on conservatives to show their support for Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's opposition to gay marriage by dining at the fast-food chain last Wednesday. According to the company, Chick-Fil-A recorded record sales on the day.

On the program, Colbert came out straight in solidarity with Cathy.

“Today, I say guilty as charged. And I am proud to shout, 'We're straight, we're great, you're used to it,'” he told his audience. “But as good as this is for us Chick-Fil-A'ers and chick lay-ers, the real winner in all of this is, of course, Jesus.”

“I mean just think about how happy he is. After Huckabee called for his eat-in, churches bussed in parishioners and congregations posted photos of themselves holding up bags of fried chicken at the altar.”

Colbert thanked Huckabee for reminding him that “Jesus, the only son of God, gave his life to redeem mankind by suffering torture and death then rose from the dead in forgiveness of our sins, ascended into heaven and is seated for eternity at the right hand of the father in fulfillment of the scriptures … you know, chicken.” (Watch the entire segment at Comedy Central.)

(Related: “Good God, Oreos are gay!” Stephen Colbert exclaims.)