Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts has said Indiana Representative Dan Burton believed he would catch HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, from Frank.

In 1987, Frank became the first House member to voluntarily announce he's gay.

The 72-year-old Democrat and his longtime boyfriend Jim Ready are preparing to marry next month in Massachusetts, the first state to legalize gay nuptials.

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Frank, who is preparing to retire, said he came out because his life was “unacceptable.”

“I wanted to live my life on my own terms, and that meant being the person I am. I felt I was hiding,” he said.

“I was pleasantly surprised and welcomed with open arms by members of both parties, with the exception of Dan Burton, who refused to use the House gym after I announced I was gay,” Frank added. “He thought he would catch HIV or something from me. The funny thing about the whole situation is that we had worked out in the same gym for five years before I announced I was gay.”