Bryan Fischer of the Christian conservative group American Family Association (AFA) has said that allowing a gay couple to adopt a child is “a form of sexual abuse,” media watchdog reported.

On his AFA-sponsored Focal Point radio show, Fischer lauded a study which claims negative outcomes for the kids of gay parents.

The study by Mark Regnerus looked at the outcomes of 3,000 people, 248 of which had a mother or a father who at one time had a relationship with a person of the same gender. Only 2 of the subjects reported having parents in a gay relationship for their entire childhood. Regnerus told The Huffington Post that his study found “that the scholarly and popular consensus that there are no notable differences between the children who grew up with a mother or father in a same-sex relationship and those whose [heterosexual] mother and father were and are still married is fiction.”

(Related: Study claiming negative outcomes for kids of gay parents called “seriously flawed.”)

Citing the study, Fischer claimed that gay couples cannot sustain a lasting relationship.

“They can't do it. There is so much pathology associated with homosexual behavior that they are not able to pull that off.”

He went on to say that placing children with gay couples was “child abuse.”

“To put kids in this environment, it's a form of sexual abuse on its own. To adopt kids into a same-sex environment is a form of child abuse.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)