Mitt Romney thanks Rick Santorum for making him look gay friendly and Michele Bachmann suggests her husband is gay in a Saturday Night Live skit.

The skit opens with Romney and Santorum reminiscing about the GOP presidential campaign at a bar.

Santorum orders a chocolate milk and Romney a napkin.

“That was certainly a primary season to remember, ha?” Romney asks.

“Sure was, there was even a time when people were saying I was the front-runner. Gotta thank you for that Mitt. The only candidate who could make me look exciting,” Santorum says.

“And you're the only candidate who could make me look gay friendly,” Romney responds.

Romney and Santorum are eventually joined at the bar by Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann.

“Hey are you crashing boys night?” Romney asks Bachmann.

“Oh, I've crashed a lot of boys nights,” a despondent Bachmann answers. “Usually when I come home early and unannounced.”

(Watch the entire clip at