Scott Lively, the founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and the president of Defend the Family International, has warned that acceptance of gay rights signals the end of society, media watchdog reported.

During a speech titled The Global Threat of Homosexuality last month at the Resurrection Life of Jesus church in Sacramento, Lively urged attendees to reject the notion that homosexuality was “just another sin.”

“I want to just attack this idea that people have raised that homosexuality is just another sin because that's not true and the more that we embrace that, the more that we accept that as a concept, the more distant we are from understanding the warning that God gives us when we see this phenomenon in our society,” Lively said.

Lively added that the rainbow flag, a symbol of gay rights, was a warning from God.

“When you see the gay pride parade going down the street in the major cities, what banner are they flying over them? They're flying the banner of the rainbow. What is the rainbow? The rainbow is God's covenant with man never to destroy the Earth by water again. … So there's an enormous warning there.”

“They parade their sin like Sodom. And they do it under the rainbow banner almost as if they're saying, 'God, you can do nothing to us,' because they don't believe that Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality so they aren't learning the lesson from that.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

(Related: Scott Lively says New York Gay marriage is warning from God.)