Singer Adam Lambert has said being gay is made hard by ignorant people.

The 30-year-old Lambert has said his track Outlaws of Love, which is included in his upcoming album Trespassing, is a look at the discrimination the gay community faces.

Speaking to VH1's TheFABLife, Lambert expanded on the track's meaning.

“I think one of the things about doing this as a career is that I'm able to give people strength and encouragement that feel like outsiders, especially being openly gay,” Lambert said. “But one of the things I haven't gotten to do is sing about how it sucks sometimes, how it hurts, and the pain and the struggle that the LGBT community goes through on so many different levels. And that's what this song is about.”

“It's really a very honest reflection of the sadness. And it's not the sadness about being gay, it's the sadness about the adversity we face. That's the difference. I don't find being gay sad at all. I'm really happy. I think that's another ignorant misconception. 'Oh, it's a really hard life.' It's only hard because of the ignorant people.”