Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday blamed gays for Rick Santorum's poor polling.

Santorum, who on Monday won the endorsement of two prominent Iowa conservative leaders opposed to gay marriage, has yet to break out of the GOP presidential field and continues to poll poorly after months of intensive campaigning.

Limbaugh suggested on his The Rush Limbaugh Show that gay people were to blame for Santorum's campaign woes.

“The thing about Rick Santorum – almost a dirty little secret about Rick Santorum – and that is that gay people really hate Rick Santorum,” Limbaugh told listeners of his radio program.

“That matters, because that filters down through newsrooms. It filters down through much of the news and media conglomerate. … And it is going to influence and taint what kind of coverage he gets.”

“He's never going to get a mention, much less a fair one, out of [The New York Times],” Limbaugh added. (Listen at

During the campaign, Santorum has become the most outspoken critic of gay rights. He has also accused Newt Gingrich of pushing social issues to the back of the bus and Mitt Romney of advancing gay marriage.

(Related: Rick Santorum claims gay people have equal rights.)