New York Senator Mark Grisanti, one of four Republicans who voted for a gay marriage bill last week, says the threats of gay marriage foes don't scare him.

Before he cast his vote that helped New York become the sixth – and most populous – state to legalize gay marriage, Grisanti, who previously said he was “inalterably opposed to gay marriage,” told fellow lawmakers that he couldn't find a legal reason to oppose marriage equality.

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the nation's most vociferous opponent of gay marriage, this week announced a 4-year plan to repeal the law, which includes spending more than $2 million to oust 7 lawmakers.

“Mark Grisanti's vote was an absolute and total betrayal,” NOM President Brian Brown said. “Mark Grisanti asked us in his first bid for the Senate in 2008 to support him. He promised that he would protect marriage as the union between a man and a woman. He not only betrayed us, he betrayed his voters. He is at the top of our target list.”

Grisanti, however, dismissed the saber rattling in remarks made to Your News Now.

“I'm comfortable with my decision and my vote because I think it was a balance, and whatever NOM wants to do, as I said, that's what makes this country great. Go ahead and do what you've got to do,” Grisanti said.

“It was not going to be a political vote. It was a vote of my conscience and it was a vote basically, definitely of fairness, and a balance that personified what I stated on the floor, that same sex couples should have the same right that I enjoy with my wife that I love,” Grisanti added. “The other side of it is that the religious organizations, the non-profits and the benevolent organizations, they're all protected.”

(Related: Mark Grisanti says previous gay marriage opposition guided by politics.)