Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy says the company is dropping its support for anti-gay marriage groups.

The announcement comes after gay website blogged about the chicken restaurant's sponsorship of a marriage seminar closely associated with the anti-gay marriage group Pennsylvania Family Institute.

In a two-minute-twenty-seven-second video message released nearly three weeks ago, Cathy denied that the company's donation was an endorsement of its values.

“Let me be clear, Chick-Fil-A serves all people and values all people,” Cathy said.

“Providing food to these events, or any event, is not an endorsement of the mission, political stance or motives of this or any other organization. Any suggestion otherwise is just inaccurate,” he added.

The company reversed course on Saturday after the New York Times wrote about the fallout from the incident.

“The company's Christian culture and its strict hiring practices, which require potential operators to discuss their marital status and civic and church involvement, have attracted controversy before,” the paper wrote.

In a statement released Saturday, Cathy discussed the company's new stand.

“Chick-Fil-A has a long history of trying to encourage and strengthen marriages and families, both within our Chick-Fil-A system and with our customers,” Cathy said.

“Chick-Fil-A's Corporate Purpose is 'To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us, and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-Fil-A.' As a result, we will not champion any political agendas on marriage and family. This decision has been made, and we understand the importance of it.”

But Cathy added that the company would “continue to offer resources to strengthen marriages and families.”

“To do anything different would be inconsistent with our purpose and belief in Biblical principles,” he said.