The anti-Democrat wave that swept the nation on Tuesday swamped New Hampshire, where a newly elected Republican veto-proof majority threatens the state's gay marriage law.

Governor John Lynch, the second governor to sign a gay marriage law, was among the few Democratic politicians to escape the political earthquake. The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), the nation's most vociferous opponent of gay marriage, targeted Lynch for ouster in a $425,000 television and radio campaign titled He's Changed. The ad featured video footage of Lynch saying, “I do not support gay marriage,” and ends with the tag line, “John Lynch has changed. But not for the better.”

NOM, which has previously played a pivotal role in reversing marriage equality laws in Maine and California, has already begun a gay marriage repeal drumbeat.

“In New Hampshire, we flipped the state legislature,” Brian Brown, the group's president, says in a blog post. “And not only flipped it, but it now looks like we have veto proof majorities in both legislative houses.”

“We will now fight for a vote on a constitutional amendment and a repeal of same-sex marriage in New Hampshire. And we look forward to the legislature overriding any veto that John Lynch might attempt.”

New Hampshire's Democrat-controller legislature approved the law last year, and it went into effect on January 1. The state's new Republican majority will be sworn in on December 1.

Some social conservatives who oppose the law, however, have warned the party not to make repeal a priority.

“I've cautioned a number of newly elected officials not to make social issues the number-one priority because they'll end up doing what the Democratic legislators did, over-play their hand,” Kevin Smith, president of Cornerstone Action, told the Union Leader.