Openly gay actor Neil Patrick Harris turned 37 Tuesday and among the wishes on his birthday list is a trip to Disneyland.

Harris, who entered a domestic partnership in 2004 with celebrity chef, and former actor, David Burtka, tweeted his birthday list to followers.

Harris' list is broken down into seven chapters. Disneyland is the last item listed in chapter four.

Other notable things the How I Met Your Mother star is wishing for in chapter one are 1 million (Twitter) followers and an iPhone 4.

Harris also wishes for “the superpower to eliminate oil from water” in chapter two, followed by a pony.

He'd like Danielle Staub's sex tape, then adds, “but only on Blu-Ray.”

He's dreaming of gay rights in chapter five, saying he wishes for “the ability to donate blood.” Gay men are banned for life from donating blood in the U.S.

He quickly takes back a wish for socks in chapter 5. “Changed my mind,” he tweets, “Instead of socks, I want a three bedroom loft in SoHo.”

In the final chapter, Harris wishes for gymnastic skills like Damien Walters.

Harris is currently filming the live action movie The Smurfs.