The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, the archbishop of Miami, has threatened to fire employees who show support for marriage equality.

On Tuesday, a federal judge's order striking down the state's gay marriage ban took effect, sending nearly 1,200 couples rushing to county clerk's offices to get hitched.

(Related: “Big Bang”: Nearly 1,200 gay couples marry in Florida's 20 largest counties.)

In a letter to employees, Wenski provides “useful information regarding the teaching of the Church as well as assist you in answering any questions posed to you by family or friends on the subject [of marriage equality].”

Attached to the letter was a statement issued by the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops condemning the judge's ruling.

(Related: Catholic bishops criticize Florida gay marriage ruling as hurting children.)

Wenski concluded: “Employees should exercise discretion when posting on social media sites, and note that online activity indicative of prohibitive behaviors may subject an employee to disciplinary action or termination.”