Conservative radio host Sean Hannity on Tuesday said he worried that taking action against an NFL player over allegations of child abuse could lead to parents not being able teach their kids that “being gay is not normal.”

Houston officials over the weekend booked NFL running back Adrian Peterson on child abuse charges stemming from a June incident in which he struck his 4-year-old son with a tree branch on his back, buttocks and scrotum. Peterson is currently free on bond, according to multiple sources.

Peterson has also acknowledged injuring another son, also 4.

“Here's where my fear goes with all of this,” Hannity said. “You guys [liberals] are gonna tell parents what they can and cannot do. For example, is it gonna become illegal if a parent teaches the politically view that being gay is not normal?”

“He has a right to discipline his child,” co-host Noelle Nikpour added.

“The problem is, we send these kids off to school, and maybe they're taught that God is dead,” Hannity said.

“Or maybe they're taught that it's okay to have sex. Or maybe they're taught values that contradict what the parents are teaching. Whatever it happens to be. You know, Heather has Two Mommies, daddy's roommates. That's the government circumventing parental values,” he added, a reference to children's books about gay parenting, except dad only has one roommate in Daddy's Roommate.